Tuesday 26 August 2014



Wahai Allah, Tuhanku, ampunkan dosa-dosaku. Ya Allah, wahai Tuhanku, ampunkan dosa-dosa suamiku, ibu dan ayahku, andai kata dalam kehidupan mereka, mereka pernah meninggalkan solat, kau ampunkanlah dosa-dosa mereka. Ya Allah, ampunkan dosa suamiku, ibu dan ayahku, andai mereka pernah meninggalkan puasa. Wahai Allah Tuhanku, aku pernah mendengar bahawa ada mak ayah yang ditakdirkan masuk neraka, namun disebabkan oleh anak-anak soleh yang mendoakan mereka, mereka diselamatkan dan masuk ke dalam syurga. Diri ini bukanlah anak yang solehah, namun aku ingin sekali mak dan ayahku masuk syurga :(

Kehidupan hidupku berlalu hari demi hari. Setiap nikmat dan kehidupan yang engkau berikan, curahkan tidak henti-henti ke atas diriku ini. Namun wahai Allah, betapa zalim dan berdosanya diriku yang telah jauh dari perintah-Mu, ampunkan diriku :'(
Ya Allah, yang maha mendengar doaku ini, berilah hatiku untuk selalu bersyukur kepada nikmat-nikmat yang dikau telah berikan kepada dirinku. 
Aku bertaubat ke atas dosa-dosaku :( 



Kehidupan. Masa berlalu terlalu pantas. Aku kini menuju ke suatu lagi fasa kehidupan. Bergelar seorang ibu. Kadang-kala kujenguk seketika kepada kehidupan lalu, kehidupanku di kampung, kehidupanku semasa di UKM, ahh terasa hidup ini begitu indah. Keindahan yang sukar untuk dijelaskan, namun begitu terkesan di hati. Kira-kira sebulan sahaja lagi, aku dijangka untuk bersalin. Gemuruh di hati, hanya Ilahi yang tahu :') Terlalu banyak yang berlaku, perasaanku sepanjang kehamilanku ini. Kegembiraan, keterujaan, rasa gemuruh, dan kadang kala aku rasa sedih bila terfikir cukup sempurnakah aku untuk bergelar seorang ibu? :(
Biarlah kusimpan erat di hati dan anakku tahu akan semua perasaan ini. 

Aku tahu kehidupan ini terlalu singkat untuk aku kecapi semuanya, namun kubersyukur dengan segala rahmat ini. Minggu ni minggu terakhirku bekerja sebelum bercuti panjang selama 3 bulan. Kemudian aku terus balik ke kampung. Allahuakbar, hatiku rasa penuh terisi dengan kegembiraan bila ku tahu ibu akan setia menemaniku sepanjang aku menempuh saat-saat yang gemuruh itu nanti. Aku akan manfaatkan masa-masaku nanti dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Ilahi, ingin sekali ku pohon taubatan nasuha :( Ajal dan maut rahsia Ilahi, aku pohon yang baik-baik untuk diriku, bayi dalam kandunganku ini, agar dapat membahagiakan suamiku dan keluarga, Amin :')

Sunday 20 October 2013

Hey there, how are you?
I'm Nadiah :) Let me share something about myself that might be special for u to know :p
People always look at me as a weird person, thing that people always love, seems nothing for me. However, things people doesn't bother, looks very meaningful to me :)
I love, even really love when memories is capture by writing, instead of by visual likes picture, funny :p
For me, memories from writing last longer and much more beautiful than expressed by picture that might be fake, indeed.
I love to see people singing, but I will looks fool once start singing, ahahaha :p I still remember when Dila, my friend laughing at me when I start singing  a song for her, shhh :/ So, I just humming for her, sobs :( Anyway, my favourite singer was Frank Sinatra, when he sang "My Way", his voice was blooming me away :') 
I love driving with small car and must be in black color, I don't know, but I love it so much :) 
This is random things I share to you, before go to sleep :)
28 October 2013 is my Graduation day, Alhamdulillah :)
That's all for now, 12.50am, tomorrow is working day :p
Good Night everyone :')

Friday 20 September 2013


Dear Hair,

I dont mean to cut you. i miss u. We need to wait more than a year to have 'US' back like we used to be.
I hope you will wait for me :( I miss u.

Thursday 25 July 2013


HI people, do you have Tumblr? You may follow me :) Come, friendship :)

" Don't say that life is cruel " :')

It's a little un-explain this feeling inside. I'm not the one of those who can easily hide. I even don't have much money but if I did, I'd buy a big house where we both could live :') Thus, excuse me for forgetting all this while. Seems like all the things I do, you see I've forgotten if they're green @ blue. Anyway the thing is that, what I really mean tonight. And maybe you can tell everybody this is your song :) It may be quite simple but now that it is done. I really hope you don't mind if I put down in words, on how WONDERFUL life while you're here with me in this WORLD :')

Saturday 15 June 2013

"Love can touch us one time
and last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone"

Thursday 6 June 2013

Put the blame on me :'(

I have gone through many difficulties in life, and even Now I had push myself to my hardest side :( Every minute, every second I drag this shame on me, knowing I will breaks Cik Ana's heart, the only ONE who always stand by me, when I really need help, when people insult me, Cik Ana will be the one I can depend on and will never let me DOWN, she's NEVER :'( I am too blind to know her pain, I'll be the reason for her pain and she can put the blame on me :( But, as life goes on I'm starting to learn more and more about responsibility, I have to move on, with my future life, that I know my Mom always support me, she know this is the best decision for ME. I really felt disappointed, even cried, when I did something WRONG, and you will never understand, maybe u just can put the blame on ME :( I want to take this time out to apologize for the things I have done, b :'( Will you sincerely forgive me, Syafizan? :'( Please stand by me when I was hit by this difficulties :(

Saturday 18 May 2013

Because of someone named Syafizan, I started to enjoy waking up, breathing and living for the first time, My one and only wish is to see you everyday and say I love you. I want to hear you say you love me and share the same dreams. I want us to have kids and raise them. I want us to grow old together, Will it be possible, Syafizan? :( I can't look, cause I'm so blind, I lost my heart, I lost my mind without you, all I need is you and myself :( I am lost, I am vain, I will never be the same, WITHOUT YOU :(

Sunday 12 May 2013

My biggest Cry :'(

At a point I felt, the heart was made, to be broken. Someday I am gonna look back on this moment of my life as such a sweet time of grieving. Hoping I'll see that I was in mourning and my heart was broken, but my life was changing for a better reason. I won't cry anymore when the sun is gone, because I do not want my tears will be the reason, why I can't see the stars :') I have two aunts, Mama and Cik Ana and my lovely mom, Ibu :) I feel bliss knowing my mom always stand by me, support my decision, she knows my heart, I feel really empty when Cik Ana, against all this by strong words and makes my life feel, loneliness :'( I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common girl with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. No one will understand, only Allah knows everything :(

Friday 12 April 2013

Masa berlalu dengan begitu pantas, sungguhpun hari-hari sentiasa ku hitung :') Hari-hari yang kadang kala menenggelamkan aku dari kehidupan ini. Perancangan Allah adalah sebaik perancangan, tidak pernah ku menyesalinya :') Aku terus berjalan, namun kadang kala ku terhenti di tengah jalan yang sungguh sunyi. Sendirian Sepi di hujung hari.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Dia membuatku merasakan bahawa kehidupan ini penuh dengan keindahan,
Dia menyakinkan aku untuk tidak menyalahkan takdir yang telah tersurat,
Dia menyedarkan aku betapa bertuahnya memiliki nikmat kehidupan ini,
Dia juga memperlihatkan padaku akan erti sebenar kehidupan yang maksudnya terlalu luas dan tersimpan dalam. 

Dia yang menjadi dirinya yang sebenar, tanpa palsu yang menenggelamkan keikhlasan,
Dia bagiku adalah keindahan dunia yang sukar untuk ditafsirkan kebahagiaan hati,
Dia yang telah memimpin dan membawaku menyelusuri setiap sudut keindahan kehidupan ini. Dia yang terindah dalam hidup ini.

Dia yang mengetahui betapa kehidupan itu membunuh rasa hati yang terdalam,
Dia juga sedar akan makna yang aku tafsirkan pada kehidupan ini,
Namun, masih setia berada di sisi, menemani setiap bicara dan langkahku,
Kerana aku tahu dia pasti ada di setiap sudut perjalanan kehidupan hingga mata ini kelam memandang kelip-kelip dunia. 

Monday 28 January 2013

"She", as herself

She is my "best friend", a sincere friend of mine. As I walk my path of life, I meet people everyday, most are simply met by chance, but, some are sent my way. She had become my special friend, whose bond I can't explain, the one who understand me, know about my dreams, and someone that willing to share joy and pain together, especially during my hard time in University. My love of our friendship contains no boundaries, so even now we are apart, her presence enhances me, with a warmth felt in my heart. I'm still calling her, when I need someone's opinion and she is a good-listener, indeed :') For me, anyone can stand by me, when I am right, but she is the one who will stand by me, when I was wrong, she's never put a blame or judgement on me, she gave a beautiful advice, and let me think, and correct my mistakes. She has a flawless heart, always helping others with sincerely, and know how to respect others in her life. She knows how to decide boundaries that are important to be close, at the same time, respect others privacy of life. We have so many DREAMS in life, I wish she will achieve all her dreams in life, and I will be the happiest person to see that beautiful moments :') For me, happiness in our friendship as light as AIR, our love of this meaningful friendship, as deep as OCEAN, and our friendship itself, as solid as DIAMONDS, wonderful diamonds that is not easy to get, as well as to just forget as time is flying by. Our friendship is still remain, as our beautiful memories still reminiscing in our mind :') Did u remember, when we attend class late together, when we stay up for the whole night to complete our assignments, laughing loudly together, sometimes doing insane things together, keep talking about people together, especially keep teasing on ROMA'S HAIR :'D and even we feel really scared when Roma switch off light for the whole Pusanika, on that night :'( ? , we are having fun on what we are doing together, happy and sad together about our result in UKM :') ? Did you still remember, when sometimes I feel I really can't do it, and maybe u just said that, but still we end up with "LET'S DO IT TOGETHER, WE CAN DO IT IN OUR OWN WAY", the beauty is that, we always trust each others, we feel that, we can depends on each others, when we are hit by difficulties. I really LOVE this friendship :') I'm totally happy to be one of your friends, cause I feel I am the luckiest person :') That memories, as long as in our heart, our friendship love will still remains and never dies :')

Sunday 27 January 2013

My life is full of silence

Maybe you do not know much about me, what I'm thinking about life, and perhaps what life makes me thought about those meaning. I have to separate my life into two, my life before I go to Bangi, and my life now in Bangi, that I call as past life and second life. My past life, let's me thought that, when one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often I look so long at the closed door that I do not see the one which has been opened for me. But, one thing that I never expect that it might be happen, perhaps until now, when sometimes there aren't words, the silence between us is flung wide as an ocean. But I manage to reach across it, to wrap my arms around him :') My life is such silence that has an actual sound, I call it the sound of "disappearance".

Friday 25 January 2013

My dream towards the end

Kawan-kawan dan diri ni juga dah melaksanakan tugasan tesis, "University students' acceptance towards mobile marketing in Malaysia", Alhamdulillah. Untuk Master kelak, dah terbit idea dalam fikiran ini mengenai konteks kajian "Cherry Picking" :') More importantly, this email has bright my whole day :') "Salam, I am sure you will become a succesful business women if u show the same commitment. Keep in touch! If you need partner in your business, I am willing to be part of the team. Have you consider of becoming a lecturer? Just wonder I can recommend to the faculty. But after joining you will need to continue your study in master and later phd. If not just forget about lecturing, & go for a more adventures journey. Doa your grandma will get well soon, take care. Wassalam-Dr Nor Asiah Omar " I just have "no word" yet, to reply this email, but I will reply soon, with my biggest decision in life :')